Our Name: Acrucis



The stars on the left of our name represent the constellation Crux.  Crux, in Latin, is pronounced “crucis” (kru-sis).  It is more commonly known as the Southern Cross because of the position of the stars in the constellation.


When sailors are unable to locate the North Star for navigation, they look to the South Pole.  To find the South Pole, they begin by finding the Southern Cross.  To find the South Pole using Crux, the navigator draws a line between two stars in the constellation, Alpha Crux and Beta Crux, and then extends the length of the distance between the stars four and a half times.  Alpha Crux is identifiable as the brightest of the constellation and is located at the base of the cross.  Alpha Crux is commonly referred to as Acrux and is pronounced Acrucis (a-kru-sis).


Our namesake reminds us that:

  • When the typical means of planning isn’t working, sometimes we may need to look to a different source for direction.
  • Alpha Crux is both the brightest star in the constellation and the foundation of the cross, which signifies the most important aspect of business: bottom line profits.


When you feel your plan isn’t working, turn to Acrucis…

                                    We’ll help you get where you want to go!



Acrucis will be the hub of a network of professionals, where our efforts will help our clients to chart a course that overcomes their challenges and contributes to the success of their ventures.


Acrucis will be a shining star among our peers, utilizing unique presentation methods in the classroom, which will encourage class participation and an effective learning environment. 


We will gain strength through our personal convictions, knowing that we will work as hard here as we would anywhere else.  Business is never personal, but people always are.  Therefore we will always be objective, respectful, honest, and sincere in our relationships with others.